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We are the Lighthouse specialist !!
Personalized Stamps Persoonlijke Postzegels
We issued Lighthouse stamps from The
This is a complete serie now of all Lighthouses from The Netherlands
Also we issued from many other countries like USA, Iceland, Portugal, Great
Britain, France, Norway, Belgium.
Below just a small number of examples
You can order in our
On-line shop and see the details
Wij hebben Vuurtorenzegels uitgegeven van Nederland.
Dit is een complete serie van alle
Vuurtorens van Nederland.
We geven ook zegels uit van verschillende andere landen USA, IJsland.
Portugal, GB, Frankrijk, Noorwegen, België..
Hieronder enkele voorbeelden van deze zegels
U kunt veilig bestellen in onze On-line winkel en bekijk de details
For questions - Voor vragen email
Seamark Illustrated Catalogue of Lighthouse Stamps IN FULL COLOUR !!!!
The Catalogue list and illustrates all stamps showing a lit navigation aid, buoys, as part of the design of the stamp. The Catalogue was first published in 1986 by Keith Hall and Derrick Jackson. The Catalogue is published in loose-leaf A5 format in 2 volumes containing the official issues and Cinderella's. As well as giving details of the stamps, details are also given of the navigation aid shown if possible As per July 20, 2010 Stampdealer R.van Lingen (Thematicstamps) took over all the rights for publishing this catalogue The Catalogue is published now in full colour and available for immediate delivery. Please be so kind to register on our web site for the Newsletter so we can keep you updated with the latest information about supplements and additional parts. Please go to On line shop, in the left hand menu you will find Newsletter Subscription
Wij hebben nu ook de albumbladen voor de Nederlandse zegels Deze zijn op Importa en Davo Albums beschikbaar !! Klik hier voor een voorbeeld |